Design, modeling and 3D animation
n our projects, we often have to explain and present, in an abstract or at least digital way, concepts or realities that are sometimes complex or invisible. This is why certain devices benefit from presenting manipulable 3D objects (scientific processes, biological phenomena, etc.), or require the 3D modeling of spaces that are not accessible (heritage, architecture, archaeology, etc.).
3D modeling, a computer creation technique equivalent to volume illustration in a virtual world, then allows, in animation or in interaction, to put in motion the different digital elements. We can produce models ex nihilo, but also make 3D scans (laser or photogrammetric), and of course exploit these models with various 3D software (Unitiy 3D, 3ds MAX, Cinema 4D, etc.)
The elements thus created then come to life, realistically or dreamily, on screens or in optical theaters.