Grands Projets de Polynésie localisation du projet Moorea

The architecture of Fare Natura was designed by the group of architects Jacques Rougerie (Paris) associated with Jean-Hughes Tricard, Charles Henry Auque and Fanny Tricard, from the company le Kube (French Polynesia). Like a hull placed between the bay and the Opunohu valley, Le Fare, between sea and mountain, is bordered by the canal linking the Criobe research centre to the waters of the lagoon.

A thematic triptych unfolds in the nave of Fare Natura: “ia ora”, a welcome to the Opunohu valley, which takes the form of three Polynesian drums; to the north of the volume, the heart of the coral, formed by a bush of colours and shimmering transparencies, which takes shape in a superimposition of coloured images produced on curved glass plates. They play with their transparencies and opacities, their accumulation to create an abundance evoking the colours of the underwater palette from lagoon reefs to deep fringes.

Our role:

Anamnesia has been in charge of the scripting and production of scientific educational films, as well as their translation into French, English and Polynesian.


Our service :

  • Scripting of educational films
  • Graphic creation – illustration
  • Iconographic research
  • Iconographic rights management
  • Editing and post-production

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