Maison des projets – ZAC Rive gauche
SEMAPA wished to open a new information centre on the past and future projects in the Paris Left Bank ZAC (13th arrondissement district), for which it acted as developer. On the first floor, a model of the neighborhood, a wall of images and digital tablets present Paris Rive Gauche through themes characteristic of the project. On the second floor, this information is complemented by interviews with project stakeholders (architects, elected officials, engineers, etc.). All of the content presented to the public is administered by a single management tool for all applications.
Our role:
Anamnesia was in charge of the design and production of audiovisual and multimedia content. A downloadable application allows visitors to discover the ZAC, by walking through the different routes, guided by their own phone.
Our service :
- Detailed design, graphic creation and production of 3 in situ or mobile applications
- Detailed design and production of the administration system
- Conception, shooting and production of films, interviews and animations
- Sound recording of discovery points