Musée Estienne de Saint-Jean
City of Aix-en-Provence
The Hôtel d’Estienne-de-Saint-Jean, formerly the Musée du Vieil-Aix, reopened its doors in 2015, after a renovation project led by architect Corrado Di Giuli Morghen. Under the eye of King Louis XIV, whose statue dominates the restored vestibule, the public can now consult a reception desk with two digital touch screens. The first, dedicated to Aix’s heritage, provides information on the city’s main sites and monuments, as well as its various museums, their exhibitions and collections. It also presents three diferent routes through the city (heritage, contemporary, unusual), and their location on a map. In the city, QR codes allow residents and tourists to find all the information on the monuments on their smartphones, on a mobile site in responsive design.
Our role:
Anamnesia was in charge of the graphic design, programming, rewriting and integration of the tactile kiosks, the routes through the city thanks to a mobile site and the implementation of QR codes.
Our service:
- Multimedia design and production
- Mobility audioguide visioguide