Design of immersive and interactive digital experiences

Multimedia offers the unique advantage of providing an extraordinary dimension to an experience, to a discovery. We are aware of this and know how to handle these technologies so that they can enhance your project. We can make the visitor an actor, a decision-maker, a judge of his visit. For us, interactivity can be understood in many ways, but it must enrich or touch the visitor to provoke a feeling of emotion or satisfaction.

More than classical lectures, learned lessons, there is a real demand for the visitor to be taken into account in his or her entirety, in his or her identity, in his or her receptivity when visiting. To do this, we propose immersive and interactive universes to touch – in the broadest sense of the word – the visitors. This experience not only feeds the minds but also makes the exchanges and the feedback very enriching, in a virtuous circle of cultural mediation.

Not only do we transmit a cultural message, but the emotion of discovery is also within reach of everyone. Through the realization of multimedia devices, we include contents declined and popularized for all specific audiences and in particular the disabled (surtitling, subtitling, simplified screens, audioguide or podcasting …).