Museum of Iron History
City of Nancy
Visitors are invited here to trace the history of the region’s iron industry, to discover the world of designer Jean Prouvé and to understand the use of iron through the ages. This is the program of the Musée de l’Histoire du Fer – Museum of Iron History – de Jarville. Within the visitor path, two devices offer a particular light. The first one highlights the distribution of the products of the Lorraine industry in the world in the form of a planisphere and whose typology of products can be selected with the help of tactile pods. The second aims to show the landscapes of the Greater Region and the imprint that the iron industry has left there: postcards and archive images are accessible using a search bar for the locality, or by direct access from the interactive map.
Our role:
Anamnesia was in charge of the design and production of two interactive stations.
Our service:
- Graphic design
- Multimedia design and production