Europe Station – Visitors’ Center of the European Parliament
European Parliament – DGCOMM-VSCU
An integral part of the European Parliament campus in Brussels, the former “Gare du Luxembourg” became in the fall of 2016 the “Station Europe”, a new information centre for visitors to the Parliament. A look at the transformation of the neighborhood and its architecture, a presentation of Europe’s founding fathers and its distinguished visitors, information on campus attractions, culture and leisure in Brussels… True to its railway tradition, Europe Station is still the unmissable starting point for a journey to the heart of Europe.
Our role:
Anamnesia was in charge of the detailed design and production of the multimedia devices of this space, based on an original concept of the Parliament teams: 3D model of the campus, augmented reality for adults and children, tactile tables and interactive terminals, dioramas and graphics.
Our service:
- Augmented reality for adults and children
- Tactile tables and interactive terminals
- Dioramas
- Graphic design