Exhibition “Four Lives in Resistance” at the Pantheon
RMN - Panthéon
On the occasion of their entry to the Pantheon, the Centre des Monuments Nationaux pays tribute to Pierre Brossolette, Geneviève de Gaulle Anthonioz, Germaine Tillion and Jean Zay, four great figures of the French Resistance during the Second World War. Numerous multimedia contents evoke and present the four resistance fighters on interactive screens with sound and audiovisual archives, interviews with historians, witnesses, personalities and visitors of the exhibition.
An interactive fresco on a touch screen allows visitors to understand the possible parallels between the major events of French political and social life and the lives of the four honored personalities.
Project manager: Jean-Paul Boulanger
Our role :
Anamnesia was in charge of the design and production of the multimedia and audiovisual devices.
Our service :
- Graphic design
- Development
- Integration of the contents
- Interfacing with the video booth of the exhibition
- Installation
- Parameters setting