Exhibition “Neustadt of Strasbourg, an urban laboratory 1871-1930

Région Alsace localisation du projet Strasbourg

In 1871, following the French defeat, Alsace and Moselle were attached to the German Empire. Strasbourg became the capital of the new state and underwent major architectural and urban transformations linked with its new administrative and symbolic status: the “Neustadt” was built. In the context of its inscription on the Unesco World Heritage List and as part of the exhibition “Strasbourg, Laboratory of Europe 1880-1930”, the Saint-Paul church in Strasbourg hosted an exhibition about this district, which will forever change the urban planning of Strasbourg.


Scenography: Frédéric Casanova, graphic studio: Bastien Morin.

Our role:

Anamnesia was in charge of the design and technical engineering, and the production of the multimedia devices of the exhibition’s itinerary: digital leaflet, interactive animated map, audio participatory device.


Our service:

  • Multimedia design and production
  • Audiovisual design and production

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