Grand Musée du Parfum
Le Grand Musée du Parfum
Located in the heart of Paris, the Grand Musée du Parfum allows enthusiasts and neophytes alike to go behind the scenes and learn about the history of perfumery, from Egyptian antiquity to the present day. Through a journey in three major stages (The history of perfume, A sensory immersion and Art of perfume) and through the profession of perfumer-creator, the museum offers a unique experience around its olfactory collection. More than 60 scents punctuate the playful and immersive discovery of the world of perfume: history, raw materials, chemistry of odors and, of course, the art of the perfumer.
Our role :
Anamnesia was in charge of the design and production of numerous devices of the tour: mediation contents and historical slideshows, animation and motion design of the shadow theaters and optical theater, audiovisual production, cartels, games and interactive photo booths.
Our service :
- Multimedia design and production
- Audiovisual design and production